Sunday, October 2, 2022

 2021/2022 SECOND TERM



        CLASS: SS1           SUBJECT:C.C.P.           Time Allowed: 45 MINUTES


1. One of the following is not a reason for cooking vegetables(a)To soften the cellulose

(b)  to create variety of meals  (c) to improve the nutritive value (d)to cook the starch for easy digestion

2. One of the following  cooking  methods  cannot be used to cook an egg (a)boiling  (b)frying  (c) grilling (d)poaching

3. Which of the following methods   of cooking require  dry and radiant heat?

(a) boiling (b)braising(c) frying (d)grilling

4. In  which of the following  methods  of cooking  is water   not used ?(a) boiling (b)braising(c) frying (d)stewing

5. ------------ method of cooking is not suitable for children (a)boiling (b)steaming (c) frying (d)grilling

6.   The term  rubbing in method means  incorporating ----------------------(a)egg and flour  (b)fat and flour (c) fat and sugar (d)sugar and flour

7. Which of the following method of cooking is a combination of stewing and roasting ?(a)boiling (b)braising (c)broiling (d)grilling

8. The best method used to maintain the green colour in vegetable is by------(a)boiling (b)blancing (c) cooking(d) soaking

9. Which method best preserves nutrients during cooking (a)baking (b)steaming (c) frying (d)grilling

10. The process of frying foods in its own oil is ---------frying  (a)shallow (b)deep(c) sautéing (d)drying

  11. To --------- means to remove solid particles from liquid by passing through a sieve.(a)drain    

                 (b) strain (c)puree (d)simmer

 12.  To ------ means to cut foods into evenly shaped(a)dice (b)cube (c) pare (d)grate

 13. The following are reasons for cooking foods except----------------------------------

 (a)to improve colour and flavour (b)to add variety to diet (c) to increase the quality (d)to increase the  quantity

  14.  The process of cutting off the outer covering of a fruit or vegetable with a peeler or knife is   

              known as -------.(a)peeling (b)cutting  

(c) pairing (d) chopping

   15.  One of the following does not belong to the group.(a) sautéing (b)boiling (c)broiling (d)steaming   

16.  Which of the following are essential consideration when planning a menu?(a) Cost factor location, type of customer  (b the owner, the press and )location(c)cost factor, location and

       press. (d)location, staff union and the press

  17. What is  a menu ?

        (a) it is a food taken by customers (b)it is the list of delicious and attractive dishes (c)it is a list of available foods and their prices d)food taken by the rich and their family.  

  18. . Cooking food in a tightly covered pan with a small amount of liquid for a long time is called (a)

             Braising (b)grilling (c)poaching (d)stewing   

19.   All the cutting in the kitchen is usually done on the -------------- (a) sink (b)table  (c)chopping  

board  (d)hard surface

2O.   The guest’s first place of contact in a hotel is the (a) restaurant (b)front desk (c)kitchen        








     1. a) What is safety?

b) Mention ten items contained in the first aid box.


    2.    Explain the following

i) Fire extinguisher ii) fire alarm detector

           (b) List three causes of accidents in catering


3. a) Define the term Accident in catering.

            b) What is safety precaution?

            c)List five types of road accidents in catering.









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